This guide is about how to make a working grappler in your platformer map. This is my first community guide, hope you find it useful.
What you’ll need: 1 starting inventory with gadget of your choice, 1 damageable prop of your choice (used as thing for the grappler to hit, make it have 1 health), 1 repeater, 1 teleporter, and 3 wires.
First, place your starting inventory with a gadget, and make a platform the player can see but isn’t close enough to jump to. Put a damageable prop (1 health) above that platform as shown below:
Just in case the player accidentally falls back down again, make a repeater next to the prop and wire it up to the prop so that when the player destroys the prop, the repeater makes 1 second pass, then wire it up to the prop so that the prop reappears.
Grappling hooks.
But most guides need a visual aide to, show the settings and make things simpler, this would also be considered a “Mini Guide” to grappling hooks, as well you building a poll for people to rate the guide out of 10.
Oh, you can take a video and put it in a video—>gif converter. Just search one up, I’m sure there are plenty out there. Oh and the gif can’t be over 2 MB.