Guide to grappling hooks

This guide is about how to make a working grappler in your platformer map. This is my first community guide, hope you find it useful.

What you’ll need: 1 starting inventory with gadget of your choice, 1 damageable prop of your choice (used as thing for the grappler to hit, make it have 1 health), 1 repeater, 1 teleporter, and 3 wires.

First, place your starting inventory with a gadget, and make a platform the player can see but isn’t close enough to jump to. Put a damageable prop (1 health) above that platform as shown below:

Place a teleporter on the unreachable platform and wire it up to the prop so that when the prop is destroyed, it activates the teleporter.

Just in case the player accidentally falls back down again, make a repeater next to the prop and wire it up to the prop so that when the player destroys the prop, the repeater makes 1 second pass, then wire it up to the prop so that the prop reappears.

Your final product should look like this:

Copy the prop, along with the repeater, teleporter, and wires, and put it all over your map, and you have a working grappler system.

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nice guide, but ya might wanna add some pics

I didn’t think they were necessary for such a simple guide

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Grappling hooks.
But most guides need a visual aide to, show the settings and make things simpler, this would also be considered a “Mini Guide” to grappling hooks, as well you building a poll for people to rate the guide out of 10.

[enter key]
change the min and max if you still can!


I don’t know how to make a poll

The poll isn’t working

Try putting it on a different sentence.

Ok it finally works now.

Nice Guide!

you could add some images tho

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I added a lot of images, is it too much?

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That’s a good amount of images!

rating time! (haven’t done this in a while)

rarity: 8/10, idk if this has been made before

puns: 4/10, no puns, just a normal guide

memory: 7.5/10, maybe instead of using a repeater, try using a trigger loop

difficulty: 2/10, very simple

overall: 5.375/10


If I made puns I would probably have to use the word “h00k,” and I’m not allowed to post that word so…

See I had to use zeros for Os

_error just remember that your pictures can’t include codes and if they are invalid codes remember to write that. In case your topic gets flagged.

Ok, thank you, and they are invalid.

You could also add a gif at the end showcasing the system. Just a suggestion, you don’t have to. Otherwise not too bad of a guide!

I didn’t even know there WERE gifs

Oh, you can take a video and put it in a video—>gif converter. Just search one up, I’m sure there are plenty out there. Oh and the gif can’t be over 2 MB.

Wait so can you take a screen recording and then add it by clicking on the “insert image” button?