Gonna be working on a gim map, its Murder Mystery and the setting is a castle, any suggestions for the rooms?

Idk what to put here

A king and queen’s room with two large thrones, a large kitchen with lots of plates, a knights rooms (there are knight props) with chandeliers and paintings and stuff. I like MM2, so I’m enthusiastic to help.


A library
map maker’s room(forgot what they are called

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Maybe even add a large outside platform area in the middle of the map like the actual map; add some bedrooms, bathrooms, and a large guest room.

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you mean cartography?

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A big open center or court/fair area

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Maybe maze with many twists and turns so that the murderer gets lost and has trouble finding the players. (in the castle)

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A hidden path leading to a catacomb.

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put an altar down there for good measure


Welcome to the community or the whole website.

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Are you talking about me?


Welcome to the forums, @Dodge1! Make sure you look at the new-user-must-read and forum-beginners tags. And this post:

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Ok, thanks! I’m actually on the wix and was having trouble with getting an account on here.

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a throne room, or dungeon

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ohh good idea, me and my friends will start designing the room tomorrow

A room with a poet in a dark room, my friends know what follows when I recommend poetry… Ask for the answer.

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good point with the map cartography room, I wouldn’t have even thought of that

I’ve already had an idea with a library maze, maybe I can find a way to include your idea

Bedrooms will be a nice touch

maybe, if I can find a way to get the sentrys to stop attacking me, they can be background characters in the courtyard