GKC devices that have sound effects (poll)

So I’m trying to make a piano game and I think the closest things to music in GKC are sound effects. So yeah… I need a list of things that sounds in-game.

Should this be research topic?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Poll will close Dec 29


Do you mean like props that make sound, background music, or anything that makes sound?

Yeah… basicallyㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

Vending machine makes a sound


Everything in gimkit make a sound really except for props and terrian, plus a few devices like knockout manger, damage booster.

So do all the gadgets

  • Vending Machine
  • Checkpoint
  • Damage boost
  • Sentry
  • Button
    Usually, when all these items are triggerd, they emit some sort of sound.
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is there a way to make a button be pressed by itself

Maybe a zone or a trigger?

No, you can only do that with triggers


well triggers do not do sound…

It probably requires a player to press the button to emit sound.

maybe also sentries fighting each other would be another sound, and maybe another couple sentries with other gadgets would make another sound.


Maybe this can help? [1]

  1. idk ↩︎

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Wait should we make this a research topic on all the things that could make sound? or actions.

Maybe you could make a poll to decide @Ghassan.

Sure! but on the main topic or a reply?

It’s up to you I guess.

Did you make the poll @Ghassan?

I had to do something adding rn.

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