Gimkit's Quantum Mechanics: Help Needed

By leaving the delay area blank? Yeah, it’s been done.

Your interpretation is a pretty accurate one, and I like it quite a bit. The way I think of it is just as the mechanics that aren’t directly advertised; the mechanics you have to learn about yourself.

You don’t need a class to learn about real life quantum mechanics (or Gimkit mechanics lol)

Oh wow. You didn’t read any of this, did you? That was the first quantum mechanic discovered, and it’s recursion.

sorry man
you’re like 6 months late to the party

@Blackfox45666 ok that’s literally unreadable im sorry man

@th3_ca1tsune ur good lol
I respect the attempt


Sorry, I didn’t know and yes, I’m bad at this… me figuring something out and finding out everyone knew it :skull: once again sorry…

I’m just really caught up with other things and my duck duck goose I’m unsure of anything anymore. I have other things with infinite loops… maybe one of them hasn’t been discovered and my findings will ACTUALLY be something new lol. Also, looks like my thing is no longer in need… that’s an L in my face.

ok, i gotchu now. :+1:

torturing my soul here shdwy lol

but in simple terms what I meant by discovering my most likely useless thing is

I put the delay in the trigger. i trigger the delayed trigger multiple times very fast
after the first delay is over the delay gets ignored after that

I get quantum physics but not quantum mechanics :skull:


No it doesn’t lol

If you’re triggering a trigger 5 times in one second, and the trigger has a 2 minute delay, then every 2 minutes it’ll run 5 times. I’m guessing your delay was low enough that you didn’t notice it.

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oki :3

Hate to break it to you, but quantum physics is quantum mechanics.


im not necessairly talking about politics, zane

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anything related to politics. But its not a big deal. EMPHASIZING it is NOT a BIG DEAL. sry

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Got one. Zones can NEVER fit an objects hitbox, unless collision is off

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im bored in bio class and have nothing better to do, and i also have strong opinions about insulting any network lol


I feel ya there bio is boring and my teacher is horrible but it is necessary so good luck! :3

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what does quantum mechanics mean?
(i should know because i’m a GIMBUSTER)

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It’s mechanics within gimkit that rely on the nuances of gimkit’s code to work. A good starting example of this is AUO.

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What does this mean? The borders of the zone can certainly fit outside of the object’s hitbox, but when you highlight it maybe you’re highlighting the zone. Could you elaborate a bit?

Wow, you guys went crazy talking about Fox and Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is actually pretty accurate, but the idea that anyone can edit often lowers its view in the public eye. It’s certainly worth it to check the citations if you’re using it for anything important, but generally big topics can be assumed correct.
Fox is a whole different story.

Why are we talking politics and sources on a Gimkit post? You guys take tangents to a whole new level lol


Again, apologies for mentioning anything as it usually just makes it worse. :sweat_smile:

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I don’t get it in Gimkit then…

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I’m saying that it’s impossible to make a zone EXACTLY fitting a prop. Because all of them have irregular hitboxes and shapes. You’d need, like, thousands of zones to make a fully accurate hitbox.

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