Gimkit Update Schedule

Also on mobile. That all of the geo talk.

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Why are these so accurate @DoubleDash ! :laughing:

@MOON can you please stay on-topic with the main post. Thanks.

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Sorry sir wolf.

your good, just saving you from a future flame war and flags. :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum, @CherishedOwl9969! I hope you enjoy your time here!

Feel free to reach out to me whenever (except on weekends) for GKC help on the forums or in the chat box on my Gimkit blog, GimStream.

I recommend that as a new user, you read the TOS and FAQ. These resources can be crucial in making the most of your time in the forum.

Additionally, you should check out the forum-beginners and forum-tips tags for more GKC forum information. Please work with the GimUN to bring about a new Era in the forum - one where conversations are on-topic and as little posts need to get flagged as possible.

Have a great day!


My hours are spread across both mobile and computer. I have about 2k hours on mobile and 3k on computer.

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@Blackhole927 what do you do to have that much time on a game?

Play it frequently every day, for about 5 years.


… why? like seriously.

When you start you don’t stop geo dash.

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The question is, should we allow copy-paste welcome messages if they do/do not help the discussion?

Once you touch GD, you don’t come back. It’s addicting.

yeah your allowed, if you are welcoming someone.

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I thought there was no more Custer

So basically this turned into a discussion about the new update coming out today…

Welcome to the underground forums @CherishedOwl9969

How was the fall?

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Highly fun. You may as well ask why I’ve poured similar amounts of time into gimkit lol

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that i understand.

Me too. I spend like 5 hours every day. it’s crazy lol

i think we all spend that much time on gimkit, that’s why we are here :slight_smile:

for real… lol!

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