Gimkit Anniversary Surprise Poll/Question

I forget, did I say I was going to make u a bio, @Caternaught? I’ve lost track at this point, srry.

u did say i was going to be in it since I had 3 accounts including @Penguin101

am i allowed to use caternaught as my bio? I’m more known as caternaught

Oh, OK. Which account do u want me to do a bio on?

caternaught please, im more known as Fluffyton whiskers (my cat name)

OK. Can u give me a quote? Just so everyone knows, I can’t add quotes any longer than 70 words.

For @Caternaught's eyes only...

I’ll put u in the Space Station. OK?

may i make the bio myself and give it to you? i want it to be thought out by myself :slight_smile:

im good with being in the space area :slight_smile:

You can give me a 70 word max quote, but I insist on writing the rest myself with all due respect. K that’s good.

When do u think u can have a quote to me by? I have to go soon, but I’ll check back in later so I don’t forget to use your quote.

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this is the quote I made in my bio

As you journey through life, may you find joy in every step, courage in every challenge, and inspiration in every moment. Me, Fluffyton Whiskers, the art enthusiast, wish you Great luck as you face through lives problems. Remember, life isn’t about hating the mistakes you make, but the wisdom you find after. thanks for listening,

quote about yourself

Perfect! It’s only 50-something words.

@Foxy, check the Padlet for a link plz.

um i would tell that to jeff, alt accounts is a rule. I would ask him to remove them because that could get you in trouble.


one was silenced and the mods wouldn’t message me back and the other i lost its password


  1. adhd doesn’t help my life, lol… ↩︎

Ban/silence evasion???

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i would still ask to get them removed, becasue now that you said you have them , that one person who hates you(jelousy stuff) will get you in trouble. So from a friend to a friend, i suggest you consalt that.

@Caternaught my exact point

no sure what the reason is.

not to be rude, but that was your fault…

editing now

@Gimkit101 can every one write quote? or no? Just curious.

What do you mean?

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