Gimkit Anniversary Surprise Poll/Question

I will say this once, lease move that conversation elswhere so this post does not get closed.

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i dont think @getrithekd hates me :stuck_out_tongue:

You should write a story about gimkit and incorporate lore into the story. Also, you should add scraps of the story around the library, so you have to go on a scavenger hunt to finish the story

i wasnā€™t saying him, i was saying it in general, there is always one person, take that from experience.

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Please donā€™t ping me if you donā€™t need me to contribute to the conversation.


Iā€™m going to do that.

I canā€™t make bios for everyone, @WolfTechnology! I only have so much memory. I wonder if I could ask Josh or Jeff for more memory for my memorial gameā€¦ :thinking:

Iā€™ll ask everyone I plan to do a bio on within this post by May 11th. Sorry, but if someone isnā€™t asked here, theyā€™re not getting a bio in my game. Of course, someone can request a bio and if theyā€™ve been helpful and relevant enough, Iā€™ll give them a bio.

the point of the memory limit is so the game doesnā€™t crash

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Oh, good point. I wish there was a way I could bypass the memory and wall limits so I could feature everyone in more detail, though.

what about a poll though and we can use people from it if there is extra space?

this is the last post Iā€™m going to be doing


  1. do you remember @penguin101 asking u for synonyms fr spectator? it got me silenced ā†©ļøŽ

Not a bio, a quote i changed my bio for the first time since november so yeah i donā€™t need that, i was saying a quote for the game. I must be thinking this wrong what is the bio for exactly the forum or what?

This is an example of a bio in my game. Itā€™ll include a quote from the person in question (from their GKC forum bio or directly from them) and a description of their forum activity (written by me). Thereā€™ll also be a button that says if theyā€™re an OG, Veteran, or Honorable Mention. K?

Does that make sense?


Thats neat, i like it. But i believe that was wingwave, sounds like him.

Correct! :white_check_mark:

Gotta go now - I may be back later, though. Bye! :wave:

Dang im good, and cya.

hi so what did i miss? anything here need help with or?


Ummm hi as a reply? Thatā€™s newā€¦

Wait is there more space in your game, because can i have a bio too? I understand if you say no

well you need to either be

  • OGs - The most active people who joined in the first month of the forum.
  • Veterans - Expirenced users, just not OG, and not young.
  • Honorable Mentions - People who made major achievements in a GKC map (something unique such as getting 10,000 plays on a game).