Game Ideas or Help?

Yes, you could also make an escape room too!

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CTF with sentries shooting at you would be fun, maybe with purchasable turrets.

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That would be a good twist to CTF

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Welcome to the community!

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Yeah, Welcome to the Community!

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If you like the turret ideas where you “buy” a senty for you team, look here:

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yep I do also the charter minimum is SOOO ANOYING

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You can put characters in these <> to avoid the limit.

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also who want the grand tour I descided to make an escape survival game on an island with a oh wait im saying the descripion out of order this is order description “You and your friends buy a raft ride for fun but you crash on an island and the tide is to strong for you and your friends to swim back but there is somthing sinacter lurking in the island…” anyway ima get the tour video real quik

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welcome to the community @Vortex_AgentWolfi22!

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I was here at the beging I just forgot my old acount pin

Oh, whoops :sweat_smile:

lol it fine also finised recorrding here is the tour! (also i am using school computer so cant use discord to post code but it on screen dont ban or kick me plz)

wait i need to link it

No! Never post codes!

sorry but i need another way on school computer :pensive:

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I know, its tough for me, I have nowhere but scratch to post codes.

wait can I make a scratch link to post or be more vauge about it by giving u my scratch acount then posting the code in the acount coments

My link is in profile. Others on here also use scratch, and on there I could tell you who.

ok so i will put the link to my scatch acount in my profile then in my profile coments post the code