Game ideas needed please

If I’m not allowed to ask about this just let me know nicely please

I want to make a game but have no ideas. I want to make a game that is exciting, and I wont lose interest of it in five minutes. I also want help with collaborators. Im lonely :frowning:

like what type of game

this probably isn’t allowed on here to ask for a collab.
You could ask the wix or discord :slight_smile:

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best thing to do probably

yeah but I need a confirmation email and I’m on a school chromebook

Ideas wise:

Make an open world exploration game, with no general storyline. Just a gim exploring a map, doing quests and surviving the elements

good night


do you have a mobile device to download discord on?

SirWyWy, I don’t think you can ask for collabs!!

I have an iPad but its dead
im very bad at rememberin to charge it…

Lets change the topic so that way you don’t get in trouble

when you do just download discord and I can give you my tag on the wix so I can invite you


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ok but one last time:
does anyone @here want to collab???

I would love too
But how

I can put the code in my bio for a bit

As long as you don’t share game codes on here, you should mostly fine. Just specify what you need help with!

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Yeah sure but be quick

sure man love to just need some info on what its going to be

Ideas? Hm. Perhaps make a Splatoon gamemode? It’s a familiar battle royale formula with the interesting challenge of how to incorporate the ink aspect of Splatoon in GKC.


But doesn’t it take like 10-15 min to pop up?

in bio in the website section