Game ideas needed please

idk yet :)we can come up with it and share our ideas

@SilentPrincess_33 can we do this another time, I gtg but I would love to help, ping me when you need help, I will absolutely hop on with ya

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ok! does tmrw around 4 Chicago time work?

Sure, but I’m in rn anyway, got like 4 min then I’m off

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Wdym, confirmation e-mail?
I’m on my other computer, sometimes it’s locked, sometimes not
I got a Discord and e-mail…
I would like to collab, first time and, according to Blizzy’s table, I’m a semi-professional with Gimkit…

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make a Henry like game

I mean like to sign up for discord it needs me to confirm but the device with my email is dead

??? I never was asking for a collab. I literally told them that it was unwise to ask for one

I could help if needed, just ping me if help wanted

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I can later I have school

Ok I am active from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
On Wednesdays I am active from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

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I know how you can get into a wix

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We should probably close this topic

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Y we are helping HP7 any ways for the idea you get stuck in space and have to land at different planets to get materials to upgrade your ship and go back to your og planet if you like this idea you can ask more about it

We’re not going to close this topic unless the topic is solved

I changed the title because I think asking for a collab here is unwise. You said you had a tablet, so you could open up wix/discord oh there, or use another device (ex. home computer)

Or you could ask one of your friends to help you. That’s what I do. Pretty much every map I’ve made, I’ve worked with @Ben_to_the_10th. Even if your friends are new to gkc, you can introduce them to it!


what if he has no freinds

I can be friends with him if he make a deal with me i might do some possession or look into his dreams,Make Him Forgot His Name,Delete a Memory and more!

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Oh sorry, my bad, I went up to see who made the topic, I guess I didnt go up enough, my bad

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