Gadgets: An Overview, Ranking & Practical Uses

As well, @AMineRide, if your purposes are pure, you can use this format to discredit the blocked-word prevention system:



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Add the timekeeper to the list.

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I have yet to see the stats on it, and there is currently a wiki for me; scroll up to find it.

Timekeeper | Gimkit Wiki | Fandom

Here is the Gimkit wiki page on it. It probably has the stats


You don’t have the other apocalypse gadgets on the “wiki” for this page. But in this guide, you do, so why not add the timekeeper since it is also in apocalypse?

You even have the “hammer”, which can’t even be used by the player. Anyways, you should add the timekeeper.

  1. We are still working on the wiki.
  2. I haven’t gotten to those yet, hang in there

But thanks for supplying me with the link.

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40 -I’m pretty sure it is 40

the pml i love very much

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(This might be necroposting, I don’t know if that’s a rule, if it is, tell me please)
Pixelator has been added to GKC! We can now playtest damages!
12, 16, 20, 24, 28 damage,
30, 32, 34, 36, 38 ammo


Necroposting; Bumping a Help Post
Necroposting (but not really): The OP bumps the help post, bumping bug and devices posts
Bumping (Or anything in-between): Community Guidelines
We don’t know what these are because they’ve never stayed open long: Updates, Gimkit Awards

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The Hammer also can’t be accessed by players (to my knowledge)

The Apocalypse Gadgets Now in Creative

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This is cool. Now you should add the timekeeper since it is now in creative

That isn’t needed, there’s already another one with those new gadgets added.

You can use inspect to access the the files and change the items around.

Wait, there is a hammer now!? (It doesn’t show for me)

no there isn’t, but it’s in the game files.

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