Functional Swords Advanced [4/10 or šŸŸØ]

Oh I didnā€™t see that lol. Do you check the range of the enemy before you attack so that you can know if you can attack the enemy?

what do you mean?

Like if the sword is way to far to hurt the player, is there an alert for that?

Not yetā€¦ but you could use triggers to bring a notification!

No, like if the player is too far then the player canā€™t attack the enemy, but if itā€™s within range it can. It would be easy when it comes to sentries, but for PVP it would be harder.

For sentryā€™s you could use zones, but you would need coordinate grids for gims

Yes, so is there a way you can find the way to do that? (Itā€™s something weā€™ve been trying to crack, but have failed a lot)

I Havenā€™t even used block code et. Iā€™ll help once I get better at GKC

Here are guides on it (you can also just search through the blocks tag):

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Great job!

I was being attacked by swords and when I dodged I Bumped into this guide.

hehe thereā€™s an emoji sword
