Partially Functioning Chess (1 Player and 2 Player)

That would be neat. Would I just change it back into Guide when it’s done?


Also, I have no idea how to set the difficulty level I see sometimes. This is currently near the hardest level in my opinion, and will end up stupidly difficult.


You can also ask someone to make a new guide with wiki for you if you don’t complete this in time

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Nice long guide. I have a recommandation use these please:

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Nice guide. I recommend changing the title to “Partially Functioning Chess” as it’s not fully finished yet. We don’t use wip anymore, so can you remove that?

Here’s the new guide @jjnitzan. Also, I removed the wip.


Nice guide! You should keep in mind that there are also special moves in chess—like, forking, skewering, castling…but nice guide, overall!



welp this is the un-updated version of the wiki of mine, which was made for me due to the 3 day editing limit for guides. My other guide is much better (and more clear about which stage it is in lol).

For some reason I’m getting the feeling that me starting this topic of chess is going to lead to some insane breakthroughs in gimkit block code lol.


Castling is the only special move out of those that’s actually different from a normal move. The other 2 are just moving a single piece.

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Don’t forget the en passant. But it’s all math in the end, the hard part is mainly storing and tracking the board as a single string.


Thanks for reminding me!

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Oh yeah, I updated this guide of mine to the level of the wiki (which I updated yesterday night). So it should be alot easier to read now.


Very creative guide @jjnitzan !


Will you be publishing a game with this in it, @jjnitzan? I love chess and I’d love to play it in GKC.


Yeah once I have enough credits :slight_smile:
I’ve only used gimkit for a few days now, so I don’t have the required to publish it (ntm it’s not finished yet).

This might take a while also, I’m running into some issues with memory (don’t want the first steps to be too big since the AI will take up a good 60% or so).


OK. You should be able to afford to publish it by next Wednesday. I look forward to playing it!

Good luck!

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It would take 4 weeks for them to reach the level requirement though.

Oh noes. Well worst case scenario I’ll see if I can call in a favor to skip the exp gain (I know Blackhole has contact with the devs, so if I can get in touch with them than it’s possible).


Just as a heads up by the way, you have 3 hours left to edit your post.

When you reach TL2 (12 days), you will then get 15 more days to edit your post

Welp that’s fine for now, since someone offered to make a wiki. Once I reach TL2, I’ll probably just remove the wiki and copy it here if I’m finished. Thanks for letting me know though! Btw, what’s the highest obtainable trust level for Gimkit right now? I’ve been a TL4* on other sites, so it’d be nice to reach that here too.