[🪦] Fragility: A Guide For Beginners

This guide tells you how to make a system like in knockout.
This explains the simple overview. Other uses are for another guide, pal.

Getting hit in this mode will result in two different outcomes:


You get launched slightly back, running away from the projectile.
Depending on the percentage of damage, you get launched back further.
as of the release of this system, the actual running is a bit choppy at higher percentiles.
Currently, at higher percentages, it gets increasingly choppier, 999% being the maximum.


The Player Is launched back further, this is what you may see in games such as Knockback.
The higher the percentile, the further you get launched.
lower percentages launch you less far. [1]

Accessing Fragility

This can be found by clicking on the gear at the top left of the map…
Going into the health and shield settings…
And clicking on fragility

Fragility Options

The only current option for fragility is fragility upon game start.
Here are the current stats:

Maximum percentage: 999%

Minimum percentage: 0%

Non-Player Devices: How Do They Affect Fragility?

Lasers and damagers will affect players in the exact amount they will do to their health.
Sentries, however, have the same weapons stats as other players.

Fragile Knockouts: Are they possible?

No [2]

  1. Have you seen such intriguing games such as Knockback and such: they use an expression interpreter to identify names and other key signals to identify players. interestingly enough, joining with the exact name “Josh” in knockout will grant dev options, such as faster speed, better weapons, and other high-powered abilities. this gives an insight to the truth of the inner meaning of the sound of the soul of mind of the world. this may appear confusing, but will make sense eventually using the exact quark computation ability seen in eighth-dimensional time travel theorems. ↩︎

  2. Let us pontificate on such a concept. this can actually be achieved using the respawn device. Odd, yet strangely compelling. I see such a thing would be useful in many a circumstance. Perhaps placing zones at the world border would create a strange pseudo-barrier as the player can not be specifically knocked out without falling over the world’s edge, which is also not currently possible. interesting, one would say. using an application of Brownian physics and boolean expression interpretation, we can deduce that if pi=cows + the mass of the sun, the exact amount of blocks to reach the world border is the amount that requires eight damages to function from a repeater. KO Managers might be an option, but I haven’t tested it, so future readers beware… Thank you for listening to my little TED talk (That was invaded by Pi). ↩︎


this is super short, and may be updated, so i just wanted to make the guide pretty fast, but i’ll add more, it’s not unfinished, and could you make this a wikli for the community to edit and for… y’know, longer editing time, @Blackhole927 ?


Great only one question:

Uh how do you get launched back?

the testing method i used was placing a sentry, and just letting it fire. it’s a little weird, but whatever. it’s like in platformer, but you can’t fall, like being pushed. i explain things bad, sorry about this explanation

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quick p.s: damager increases fragility. but you didnt hear that from me

so THIS is what fragility is!!!

imma go make knockback dupe bye!

noice guide :sunglasses:

ahhhhhh the grammer errors of not capitalizing is insane!

this. is. such. a. good. guide. of. grammar. mistakes.


I fixed the grammar…

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Nice guide! I’m surprised they didn’t add this to the changelog.
Also did anybody else notice that yesterday’s update is at the bottom of the changelog?


so that´s been added silently
wonder what else josh has added under the radar o.0
(wasnt included in the update log in discord or gkc change logs website)

IT’S HERE! Great guide!


The name “Josh” didn’t do anything?



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