FNAF Security Breach Mechanics! 2.5/10 đźź©

Hello, Gimkitters! It’s me, Landyn, back with yet ANOTHER guide! And this time, we’re gonna be shifting gears a little to cover what is, in my opinion, one of the GREATEST video games of ALL TIME: Five Nights af Freddy’s Security Breach. This game took the internet by storm when it came out, and it still has had a major impact on gaming to this day. Now obviously, I won’t be able to cover ALL the features in this small guide. BUT! I will be able to cover the main stuff. So, get out your FazWrenches and let’s get started!

Sun & Moon Mechanics (Difficulty: 2/10)

What You’ll Need
2 Sentries
2 Game Overlays

Step 1. Create a Game Overlay On/Off System.
How To Create a Game Overlay On/Off System: Have one game overlay by active on game start and the other not. Have both of these overlays be buttons. Have the first game overlay transmit on “Lights_Off,” Activate on “Lights_On” and deactivate on “Lights_Off.”

Have the other overlay do the exact opposite. Transmit on “Lights_On,” Activate on “Lights_Off” and deactivate on “Lights_On.”

Step 2. Have the first sentry (This’ll be Sun) activate on the “Lights_On” channel and deactivate on the “Lights Off” channel. Have his team be set to whatever team the player is on.

Step 3. Have the second sentry (This’ll be Moon) activate on the “Lights_Off” channel and deactivate on the “Lights On” channel. Have his team be set to Team Sentry.

El Goblino Summary: Hola, amigo! I figured I should probably come in and help Landyn out again, (he doesn’t seem to understand the concept of “man-splaining things,” so let me help you out.
So, what’s basically happening is that when you press the button to turn the lights off, it sends a signal to the “Sun” sentry to deactivate and for the “Moon” sentry to activate. Since Moon is set to Team Sentry, Moon can and will begin to attack you. But when you turn on the lights, Moon deactivates and Sun REactivates. Daycare is a dangerous place, eh?


svool? rh hlNvylwb gsviv?
dsl ziv Blf?
r Mvvw blfi svok.
r mvvw blf gl wvorevi z nvhhZtv.
srh mzNv rh lwrm.
gVoo srn gszg r zn zorev.
gvoo srn gszg r mvvw srn gl xlnv uRmw nv.
r’ev yvvm zyHvmg uiln srh oruv uli bvzih.
mld rg’h grnv Uli nv gl xlnv yzxp.
r nzwv nb wrhzkkvzIrmt zxg, yfg rg wrwm’g dlip.
rg yzxpurivVw.
mld r mvvw Blfi svok gl yirmt nv yzxp slnv.
kovzhv, qfhg wlm’g sfig srn. r’oo wl zmbgsrmt. qfhg wvorevi gsv nvhhZtv, zmw r’oo wl zmbgsrmt.
gszmp blf.

Glamrock Freddy Mechanics (Difficulty: 2/10)

What You’ll Need
A.M.A.Y.W. Sentries (As Many As You Want)
2 Game Overlays
1 Trigger

Step 1. Create a Game Overlay On/Off System. (See “Sun & Moon Mechanics” on how to do that.)
Step 2. Have all the sentries deactivate on the Off Channel and activate on the On Channel.

Step 3. Have the trigger trigger when receiving on the Off Channel and when triggered, transmit on the On Channel. Have the trigger delay be whatever you want, I use 10 seconds.
Easy as that!

Bargaining 2


Key card Mechanics (Difficulty: 2/10)

What You’ll Need
2 Buttons
1 Item Granter
1 Checker
1 Barrier

Step 1. Have one button’s text be “Pick Up Key Card” and transmit on “Key_Card.”

Step 2. Have the item granter grant an item of your choice (I used the green key card) when Receiving on “Key_Card.”

Step 3. Have the second button say “Unlock Door” and transmit on “Key_Card_Check.”

Step 4. Have the checker check to see if you have 1 of the item you used (Once again, green key card for me) when Receiving on “Key_Card_Check.” Have it transmit on “Open_Door” when the check succeeds.

Step 5. Have the barrier deactivate when receiving on “Open_Door.”



Security Cameras Mechanics W.I.P. (Difficulty: 4/10)

What You’ll Need
1 Game Overlay Per Camera + 1
1 Camera Point Per Camera

Step 1.




This was a short guide, but I did really enjoy making this one and I hope you will enjoy using it! Plus, it DOES serve a greater purpose than being able to help you with FNAF games…

Nice ideas you have! I would really consider making this reality!

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  • needs images
  • you should add more mechanics

Overall it’s good



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Thank you so much! I really appreciate the support, and I will definitely try to. It is kinda hard tho


I can help you if you need anything

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Cool, (when this becomes a wiki you should put this in the original post).

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Oh…um, @Blackhole927, could we pls have some help! I’m tryna turn this into a wiki.

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Ok! I hope that this could become an actual game because it would be a very good game to make.

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There’s already a wiki guide that’s based on Fnaf.


Yes but each guide is a different game of FNAF brand, they’re not all talking about the same game.


I do somewhat agree with Dark_Knight, but…it’s FNAF. There are gonna be MILLIONS of games so it’s hard to be able to cover them ALL. So I was covering Security Breach, and HOPEFULLY LATER Into The Pit. Or maybe even Help Wanted!

I call dibs making into the pit >:D


Explanation: 0/10
Please explain how this works!

Rarity: 7/10
It’s unique concept, however it’s kind of misleading. This isn’t all of Security Breach Mechanics and these aren’t even really the main mechanics. [1]

Fun: 3/10
Spice it up with some humor, jokes, a special guest!

Pictures: 3/10
Remember, pictures are powerful!!!

Effort: 6/10
Add some more mechanics, humor, pictures, etc,

Spelling/Grammar: 10/10
I couldn’t find any

Formatting: 9/10
Good job!

Side Notes:
-0.5 because it seems like a WIP and unless it is a community wiki, WIP’s are discouraged. Guess it is a community wiki now!

Overall: 4.2/10

Add an explanation, some pictures, more mechanics, and some humor to make this better!

  1. As an someone who has played SB at least a dozen times, I know the layout, mechanics, and storyline by heart ↩︎


Thank you for the constructive criticism! I understand what you mean, and I will work hard to improve this guide.


Also thank you Blackhole for making this a wiki!


Sun & Moon Mechanics Pictures have been uploaded! :tada::tada::tada::tada:

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If you would like I can take down all the secret notes too ig…

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Yeah, no arg. Sorry.

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