Flowing Lava For Forges 0/10

Welcome to this guide! It is super short but please don’t flag it.
First, you need white water terrian and a barrier. You can place the white water however you like but make sure to cover this with a 0.5 oppacity barrier with the defult color! This is better compined with the wooden bucket prop, the molten lava bucket, tongs, and the sword mold!
A great forge guide to do this with is @Blackfox45666’s. Have fun, please don’t flag, and have a nice day!


Nice Guide! Try adding pictures to it!


Yes, Try to add some pictures to it! Anyways, nice! Also, personally, I made lava before, and Gray Water looks better.

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Nice guide, try to add images!


You should also disable the barrier’s border.


:nerd_face: :point_up_2:


People shouldn’t be able to walk on lava

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pls dont be rude @Gim_Fishy just try and say it in a nicer way like ¨its lava you cant walk on it apoll02¨ now have a good day pls


I meant I was a nerd

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This looks amazing on my map! Good guide @Gim_Fishy!

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Yeah it definitely looked like lava!

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