Floor glitch weird green tile

So I was playing a “Certain” gimkit map in the community picks and when I went into a room the floor looked like this:

Is this supposed to be like this my thoughts

thought bubble-> hmmm… No

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Had you played the game before (did you know if it normally looked like that)?

I played it but long time ago.

the floor definitely does not normally look like that

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it was the hide n seek tag map in community picks corridor to the first left.

iirc this is the texture Gimkit uses when something didn’t load correctly. Try reloading your game and see if that fixes the issue.

Oh I had to delete the tab while shutting my Chromebook/losing internet.

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this has happened before:

Hmmm but the servers are not in fact… down…

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someone should figure out how to do this on purpose, it’s cool terrain:)

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Also I am going to have to shut this off for a couple of minutes so I might suddenly leave, any, second.

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Again this is just an issue with rendering textures. Snowbrawl actually had this issue a while back. Interesting that Team Gimkit didn’t fully fix the issue. Just try to reload the game and you’ll probably get that fixed.


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