Film Ideas(art)

So I am making a Recording studio in gimkit, sort of like a podcast area, but I want some ideas on what to add in it besides the camers and computer stuff. Like cool easter eggs, references and stuff. So I thought I would ask other to get there ideas in on here.


Small white dog. I think you get the reference.

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I don’t… what is it?(just curious).

hmmmmmm thats gonna be tough but i assume u would need like window and a 3d point of view to make it look good but do it however u want


didnt mean to reply to u caden

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A fedora on a bar stool you might know the reference.

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thats an interesting one…

Oh ok :wink:

but maybe something like black walls and a red carpet

(i don’t know the reference unless im thinking too hard)

Yeah I was think about having av thing like teh news station has like taht desk becasue there are 4 people on my channel so i need 4 seats, and I was thinking about having like photos, props(like teh dog and phadora) and stuff, you know a cool room to record in.

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Its a reference to a old gmod sfm creator kitty0706.

yeh my brain is losing train of thought rn i´ll be back

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ohhhhh i know now thanks.


Yeah thank you all for the ideas, I will check on this in like a few hours and see what it gets, but I am adding a secret to it that no one will no and will be very hard to figure out what it is. But just as a hint it is what got me into game design.

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Maybe you could have a custom flooring that goes with the overall theme.

If you angled it right you could put metal poles in specific locations then put barriers/terrain down for a shadow, using it as a 3D logo

I’m interested in graphic design, suggestions~


That looks great! And as for suggestions, you should learn CSS and experiment with Hex, shading, and 3D modeling. The best way to learn is with pixel art. Here is the site i use.

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do a Tim reference.

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Thanks @WolfTechnology