[šŸ“‹] EVERY Image in GKC 1.0

Guys, let me try to put this as nicely as I canā€¦
Please stop checking the checkmark because you feel like it. I just got 5 notifications in the last few hours because of checklist changes. If you have nothing good to add, then donā€™t touch this guide, whatsoever.


I thought you said you were slowly going to leave? What happened?

I just said not to edit the checklist for fun.
@William and @VWOOM, what da hek?
Itā€™s not funny. Next time I get a stupid notification because some random person (Not @SOME_RANDOM_PERSON) checks it for fun, Iā€™ll unwikifying this.


Oops, I slipped.

but i added stuff, i didnt check for fun :frowning:

@StacheIsTaken how many times are u going to change your profile pic?


Never said you didnā€™t.

However many times I feel like it. How come I get questioned but not @Foxy, @ClicClac, @Shadow.exe, @MirMirCreates, @twofoursixeight, @leo_flowers (them especially)or others that change a lot?


I was just wondering didnā€™t mean to be rude.

1 Like

Idk and did you really have to ping all of us?


You werenā€™t rude, itā€™s just annoying because people ask so often.

no, but I did.


Im am not sure how to say this super nicely, but that was sort of rude. You call out others, for mistakes, but not yourself. You are trying to deflect the negative attention onto others who have done nothing wrong. I would advise not doing that before you upset the wrong person and things end up bad. And please donā€™t mass ping, that just annoys people.


how is changing pfps a mistake?

NEGATIVE ATTENTION?! for wat? pfp changing?



it was not just that post, but you were deflecting negative attention because you were called out, and you pointed at others as an excuse. Plus your pfp looks fine. so i donā€™t see why you took it as offensive.


But thatā€™s the thing. There is no negative attention, it was just a question. I was just annoyed because I always get asked that (not negative question) yet others donā€™t yet they also change pfps.


@StacheIsTaken Can I add some images for the gimkit skins?


hey @StacheIsTaken can i ask a favor? its related to gkc but i cant do it cuz i dont have access to any other computer other than my school laptop i need you (if you have access to inspect element) to overide the files on a host game and find the files for the flag image just crtl+F it should be either ĀØimg srcĀØ or svg and swap out the quoted text for a colored battery image source link (which you should find by right clicking on an image and selecting copy image source) and send me a pic of the replaced flag image i kinda need it to make a guide or just for keeping i hope im not asking too much .. and its related to gkc cuz im trying to make a texture ive asked multiple times on the wix but i just keep getting likes no responds --

idk why people do what they do, and i never truly will because i am not them. But they obvessly thought that you change it too often enough to ask. And your response was not the most, kind. But there is no need to argue, i said what my view on this is and that is that.


also, make sure the images are transparent and the size of the others.
@leahciM, if yours is the ghost gim, could you remove it? itā€™s too big.


okie dokie :))

the like button is there for a reasonā€¦
the faq literally says to like a post instead of saying ā€œagreedā€.

I have a school CPU. I donā€™t have access to inspect, sorry.