Escaping the world border in Gimkit (READ FIRST POST BEFORE REPLYING)



By placing a teleporter or checkpoint in the corner of the map and then teleporting/respawning, the player can exit the world border. Check out InkyDarkBird's guide on it here.

Some forum users (including myself) have recently been trying to escape the world border in Gimkit Creative, and I decided to make this wiki as a hub for all the ideas. Escaping the world border would help us make extremely big maps - think Minecraft-level big. Anything you have tested (or even can think of - it doesn’t have to be tested) to escape the border, add to this. Even if it didn’t work, people will then know that it didn’t work, and will be able to test other things instead of wasting time on something already tested.

Known Border Properties (IMPORTANT)


Check InkyDarkBird’s guide for how to cross the border. It is unknown whether or not this is properly patched [As of approximately 10/14, checkpoints and teleporters both still work. Feel free to update the date if you test for yourself], and this is the ONLY known way so far for top-down maps (checkpoints can also work, but they function very similarly to teleporters and are less efficient). guide

You can send blastballs through the border with a precise enough setup. video

The Center Rule states that devices that the player can directly interact with (zones, flag zones, lasers, etc) and props only properly work if the center of the device is within the border. Violating this rule causes devices and props to be unable to interact with channels and wires, as well as props being immune to damage. Furthermore, the devices/props will be forcefully displaced by the map to be fully within the border if you reload the map.

The coordinate system device will return the coordinates closest to your Gim that are inside the border. This results in the x and y-coordinate being either 0 or 640. The origin (0, 0) appears to be in the bottom left corner.

Potential Breakthroughs

Camera View Overlap

If you place a camera view that goes over the world border (like the picture below) and go into testing mode, then you will be able to see over the world border. Although you still won’t be able to pass the border, if we could somehow make the camera view active in edit mode (maybe with mods or the inspect element), then we could potentially place a teleporter or spawn pad and be able to escape the world border.

Shift Click

By going into a corner of the map (bottom left works best) and pressing shift while clicking in the very corner of the map, you can exit the world border. Note that the only way to return to the map is by shift-clicking again inside the map.

Untested Ideas


This would only be helpful for getting the players out of bounds during play, not in the editor, but here is the idea.
Using the fragility setting for health, getting a large amount of knockback to assist in moving the player out of bounds. might not work on its own, idk, but probably could help another idea work

Unsuccessful Ideas

Device Poking

I tried to multi-select a teleporter with something else (text with the content set to “---------”) and move the teleporter outside the border. Unfortunately, when I entered a teleporter linked to the teleporter outside the border, I merely teleported erratically, and the first teleporter returned inside the world border on reload. The same thing happened when I tried it with a spawn pad, and I’m guessing it’s just not possible to poke devices outside of the world border.
BMW23 adding on-yes and the next time I hosted that map the teleporter was like 20 meters up

Barrier Placement

I’ve noticed that if you place a barrier over yourself, you can walk out of the barrier but once you are out, you cannot go back in ( only when player collision is off). So what if you were to put the barrier half on the part you are standing on (right next to the world border) and put the other half on the world border? I have no idea whether or not this works tho.

-SilentPrincess_33 (SP3)

Spawn in Border

I want to try spawning inside the border, by moving the spawn pad into the border


pics and gifs

Some pictures and gifs
Screen recording 2024-10-09 3.32.32 PM



Only add your name if you contributed something. Do not use @.

  • D0DG3 (Added the successful idea from InkyDarkBird)
  • NoNoWahoo (Camera View Overlap, Device Poking)
  • G-Code549 (pictures and Gifs and Og idea)
  • SilentPrincess_33 (Barrier Placement)
  • diamonds (editing checkbox)
  • Coolerthancoolest (Camera point idea)

We can probably try to use a group of devices to pass it?

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why have you peeps been looking for a way to get past the border? if it’s for fun i see why. but otherwise, you don’t rly need to get past the border. the border is there so that your maps aren’t open world, isn’t it?


probably, i think so

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also everyone always wants more than they are given. its just human nature


to be honest, I think the world border is there to save chunks of data for gimkit creative. I feel like that its impossible to go over, but able to look over. Gimkit may break or be slow if you succeed. I don’t believe it’s possible, but honestly I bet someones gonna do it.


thats true. someone will probably do it and end up breaking gimkit itself

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yeah honestly when I’m bored I might try this


same bro. i totaly would too but not rn

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were just trying to make find out why there’s a border
this is the border

plz read my first post

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see it? “I think the world border is there to save chunks of data for gimkit creative.”

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I did, we just want to do the impossible for fun so people who been trying to do it before know that there are others (if there were any)

ok well I guess i’ll try to help if you let me

sure if you want to press on the canva link to jo1n the expedition team

Well the border exists to limit the sizes of maps so they don’t take up too much memory. You can’t cross it because it appears to be coded in for the server to not let you move past it.


So I’m not sure why you all are doing this


yeah honestly that’s what I said at first

to see what’s past it
(that’s what I’ve been saying the whole time) :roll_eyes:

But there isn’t anything past it.