Energy Movement meter

Edit the code out first.


what do you mean by that?


The code at the top of the picture you posted.

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oh sorry, my bad :confused: ā€¦


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what are you trying to do? a sprint system? or somethin else?

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@Blackfox45666 here.

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ah ok i think haiasi made an fnaf guide with a power system somewhere round hereā€¦

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here you go and make sure to mark a solution it dosent matter whos you mark as a solution just dont mark ur own post as a solution it sometimes annoys peeps @Shadow.exe
also nice pfp exe

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Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy your time here!

I can I Enter your map please?

no codes are allowed on here ask someone for the wix link

Okay just asking, :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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It would take a good chunk of time off the OP, they want to get help.

Use this Guide!

Welcome to the Forum!
(Remember to mark a solution if your problem is solved.)

Welcome to the forums, @Shadow.exe! Try this guide! Also if youā€™ve found your answer, please mark a solution!

Why did you post the exact same guide as above?


I donā€™t knowā€¦ To not really be off topic with the welcoming and the solutioningā€¦

I love your user card!

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itĀ“s hard to understand the door mechanic, if you could make an easier Not you , more understandable, guide. I have ADHD thatĀ“s why :confused:

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