End a game using a button

How do you end a game using a button. I’ve seen it before but can’t seem to do it.

get the end game device and connect it to a button using wires or a channel

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When I go up to the button it does not say interact or something.

Ok, would a screenshot help?

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Just wire a button to an end game device

Get an end game device and a button. Connect the Button to the End Game device with a wire. Then, when you pres sthe button in game, it ends.

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Screenshot 2024-05-18 4.13.00 PM

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I do that and when I go up to the button it does not give me the option

Are you in building mode or playing your game?

oh come on any normal person can see the problem here

ah, now I see. But, it’s not noticeable and not a big deal :person_shrugging:

I’m im in building mode and still does not work

It does not appear in building mode.

If your in building mode, it won’t work.

Yeah, you have to play the game.

you have to play the game

I know but I do the steps in buildinng mode and they don’t work in the testing mode

You have to play the game for it to work.