Eating food help

Is it possible to make it where you can pick up food and eat it?

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Yes. Connect a lifecycle set to game start to a checker. Set the checker so it checks for the item that you want to use as food. Connect the checker to a wire repeater (check fails → ) then the wire repeater to the checker ( → Run check.) Also connect the wire repeater to a game overlay device (_ → hide overlay.) Connect the checker to a game overlay device (check passes → show overlay.) Also connect the checker to another wire repeater. Set the overlay device so it doesn’t show when the game starts. Also, set it to a button and make its text something like “eat.” Connect the overlay button to the checker (button pressed → run check) and to a health granter (assuming you want health to be granted when you eat the food.) Connect the overlay button to an item granter (button pressed → grant item) set to the food item. Make it grant -1 of that item.

I hope my block of text is the solution lol, otherwise it would be for nothing


nice pfp navy

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Whoa you write fast! I didn’t expect an answer so soon lol :smile: . I’ll try this out thanks!!

No problem! Also, welcome to the community! Sorry if it doesn’t work, I didn’t test it out lol

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it works, it tested it.

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It worked! :+1:
extra characters

Good to hear! Make sure you mark it as a solution ;]

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you can also just wire the overlay to wherever you get the food, and make it show on wire pulse, then make it hide when clicked using a wire repeater or channels, but that only works if you can get the food from only 1 place. if you can get it from multiple places, that wont work.

Yay you’ve finally joined the forums! Also you can pass the character limit but putting characters in these: < >

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No spaces directly before or after the < >

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Ok fixed it!

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Welcome to the forum, @Red_Rose! Check out the beginner-must-read and forum-tips for more help!

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Oh ok. Thanks for responding!

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