Dungeon Danger Thumbnail Request

Thank You @GimGamer1

Farewell, @Noob_Game_Creator1.

I can also make a thumbnail!

Wait a minute, @VoidFluffy is here?!

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Let’s get back on topic guys!

Ok ok i’ll go bye bye

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I mean most people wont even be honest about their age…

Sure… The more the merrier

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Yeah… This is going too far of topic.

Hopefully Noob actually goes though.
Also I would like details on the background for the thumbnail, like should it be dark and made of stone?

wow just wow hasn’t even left

said goodbye: 2
actually left: 0


If I have extra time might try took a long break from thumbnails after going on strike

aaaaaaaand he’s back

The walls are made of dark stone. The floor terrain is red, purple, and green castle tile. Thanks for asking! @chunky

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Ok, just realized I can’t make one today, sorry. I might try something tomorrow, idk if I’ll have time though. I usually spend 30-60 minutes on my thumbnails.

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That is Fine @chunky

@GimGamer1 How is your progress… need any more details?

I just started I had to log in

The floor will be hand drawn

I will be back soon! Gtg bye

Oh… Ok take your time. No rush… @GimGamer1

P.S. I am not trying to be rude or sarcastic I mean you CAN take your time

the 9 year old is back online