Dungeon Danger Thumbnail Request

Forgive my 2 brain cells, I am blanking on her name.

You were just told you were underage and not allowed to be on here. You even said goodbye on that topic. Please just get off. You are 9 thats way to young to be on here, especially when the rules say you are meant to be 13+

Edit: @Noob_Game_Creator1 im pretty sure multiple people have already messaged the mods, so even if you dont leave you will probably get suspended.

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I am getting to work right now, gtg!

It’s just hard to let go,

Can I still make his thumbnail?

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But i’ll go if you really want me to

it’s literally a law you’re breaking
fraud - “wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.”

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Thank You @GimGamer1

Farewell, @Noob_Game_Creator1.

I can also make a thumbnail!

Wait a minute, @VoidFluffy is here?!

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Let’s get back on topic guys!

Ok ok i’ll go bye bye

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I mean most people wont even be honest about their age…

Sure… The more the merrier

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Yeah… This is going too far of topic.

Hopefully Noob actually goes though.
Also I would like details on the background for the thumbnail, like should it be dark and made of stone?

wow just wow hasn’t even left

said goodbye: 2
actually left: 0


If I have extra time might try took a long break from thumbnails after going on strike

aaaaaaaand he’s back

The walls are made of dark stone. The floor terrain is red, purple, and green castle tile. Thanks for asking! @chunky

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