Dropper help please

So I’m making a Bedwars map and I’m trying to make a dropper that drops iron from above the player in platformer. Can someone help me?

You could just use item spawners

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I want the iron to fall down into a spot from above the player

Yeahhh I saw after your edit, I have an Idea but let me test it out first

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Tell me if this helps @ACGames

Would something like this work for you @ACGames its really simple to make, only take you 2 minutes.

Basically you’ll have a sentry hangout up top, you can place two barriers below ther terrain with collision with a small enough gap so that the sentry can’t fall through but big enough for the item to fall.

You’ll have one sentry on a random team with a respawn time of however long you want the wait to be. When it gets KO’ed it can drop silver or whatever you want, it should have the lowest HP and super bad fire rate and aim.

Pictures of the "dropper" sentry settings


Then you’ll place a SUPER OP sentry also on a random team to KO the dropper sentry

And then you just start the game and you have a dropper

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Link the guide. Don’t copy and paste it.

Copy and pasting it is flood.

Have you actually read the question before you post your guide out? The question clearly stated to “make iron drops from above the player in a platformer map.”

That’s actually rlly simple. I can make that by looking at it.

No, I just searched it up on the forums and I found that, so that’s all I put

That is not the point.
Disregarding just copy-and-paste a guide made by someone else, you should really pay attention to what OP wanted next time, since the guide you posted have nothing to do with this question.


Also not reading the first post is against the rules technically.

( apparently )

Maybe add a sentry that is downed by lasers and the sentry drops the item over and over again.

lasers don’t work on sentries for some reason

a: sentries are immune to lasers (i think)
b: we already have a method similar to that.

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Oh. Okay, I don’t know then, I’ll try to think of something.

I updated my post with instructions,

Umm no because you can fall through one gap of terrain
Try using the spacing in the image, the barrier should go under the terrain, and make sure the gap can allow for the item to drop but not the sentry


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The question has been answered, OP is not online to mark.

I think we’re done.

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Here is a picture with the grid shown to to give you a better idea