Don't Press the Button

Yeah I know I could make one where a random person respawns and one where everyone respawns, but yeah maybe just use your idea, @StacheIsTaken .

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Yes there is a possible way to make random events.

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Yeah that’s what I thought.

Can you tell me more?

Because i know a randomizer way to do that

So there’s this button that does one random thing that is either good, bad, or neutral. I want to make it so that they happen at random times, and a random order.

There is not a possible way for random times but random events, Yes!

Ok I guess that will do!

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This is a link I found:

This might not be what you need, but it might help.


@BreathTaking You could have a trigger that randomly chooses from good, bad, or neutral, and then those will trigger another trigger that chooses from a list of events you PRESET

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Is there a way to do that

Yes, with blocks

Wouldn’t you need to sort those events tho as good, bad, or neutral?

How wwould you do that?

First Trigger:
Set “Rand” to Random Number from 1 to 99(The number doesn’t really matter. Just has to be divisible by three)
If “Rand” <= 33
Do: Transmit on “Good”
Else If “Rand” <= 66
Do: Transmit on “Bad”
Else If “Rand” <= 99
Do: Transmit on "Neutral


“Good” Trigger:
Set “good” to Random Number from 1 to (However many events you have times I would say 5)
If “good” <= (Your number divided by how many events you have)
Do: Transmit on channel (One of your Good Events)

Repeat this for all of them.

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How do you sort the events?

set variable to random integer from # to #

if variable >,<,= # 
do Broadcast Message On Channel “wrong_button”

else if variable >,<,= #
        do Broadcast Message On Channel “wrongbutton”

if you want to make more buttons repeat the “else if do thing”


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