Does my Lobby in among them look good

Does this look good.


I think it looks good :smile: If you want to, you can add some plants or other decoration

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Be sure next time to remove the code.

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cool map. maybe add some T.V’s in there to make look even more cybery.

All the spawn pads are using a lot of memory.

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I think it looks good too but i agree with gimmaster.


sorry I will remove the code next time

does this part look better

Ok, I understand, your a new user, and thats a mistake we all make ATLEAST once.

why does the game not allow me to message a lot

To prevent new-account spammers.

do you have a limit to how many messages you can put

No, because they joined more than a day ago

does this part look better

Yes, but maybe change the text color to something brighter, like white instead of dark gray.

like this

Yes, now you can see the text clearly.

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Do you know when your finished because i would like to try it when its done!

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I don’t know when cuz I might get bored of it and that build for a while maybe 5 months or more I don’t know

but if I remember you I will tell you when it’s published

Ok thanks! Also its ok if you forget!

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