Does anyone kow how to make more than one respawn but if you die in a room it respawns you in the respawner you chose

I was removed from editor so I could not do anything.

then you kicked me.

o sory i had to go and I dint want you do ruin my map

@WolfTechnology can you help me please

Heres a simple idea! Make it so everyone spawns in the same spawner.

Next, add a trigger under it, so when they spawn in they can be randomly teleported to a different location.

Last, use checkpoints as gizmo2.0 said. Make sure to make it triggered only once!

I hope I answered your question, and good luck with whatever your making!

Uh kind of finshed that like a while i use a relay zone and telporter

Wait, so you finished this help?

What do you need help on next then?

Idk why
idk why
idk why

Maybe you can give me an idea you watched squid game if not than ok but what should i do for the honey comb game

Hmā€¦ Maybe make it so they have to go through an obstacle course based on the shape. if they go outside the shape zone, THEY DIE! Give them 3 lives though, your player can act as the mouse.

So basically in conclusion, make it so they have to walk the shape of theā€¦ well shape and add obstacles on the way to make it difficult. give them 3 lives. Itā€™ll be like a balance beam

@Txme_Lxss how would I go about the 3 lives part but great Idea maybe hop over on wix and hep me if you want

I donā€™t use the wix, but it should be easy.

There are many lives tutorial, but you can make it where there are multiple zones. If they die within that zone, like there could be lasers near the edge of the place, and teleport them to a set location, making it so you donā€™t lose your progress.

For the lives, make a specific property that is updated for the player, and is a number. Subtract 1 every time they die, ONLY on that mode. When they reach 0, they will be knocked out in the main game.

I hope this helps!

Doesnā€™t work. And also iā€™m pretty sure you cant post codes here, even if you delete something, you can still see it.

There is your example.

here use this i will post it in it

Nah. It should be fine. Plus itā€™s blocked for me. :frowning:

I recommend doing it by yourself, that way you can really learn the best and get truly better at gimkit creative. There are many guide sfor the lives.

Here you go

We cannot post codes here

I know this I will delete it (dad)

@getrithekd can you help me now please or @WolfTechnology

They arenā€™t always online. Usually Iā€™m the only one online, besides foxy that can help. For me I can help with more basic things. For me when it gets like 6:30 pm est not a lot of people are on.