Does anyone know how to make a fortnite storm?

It is a storm that continues to shrink and does more damage as it shrinks until it consumes the whole map.

yes it moves why? …

Yes, the storm DOES move.

You mean it grows? I’m confused

Just use zones and channels

You can use props too

It slowly reaches the center


oh yeah so it’s something about lasers only damaging you once. as long as you dont leave them it only damages you once

storms are also not meant to instant kill you but chip at your health

Don’t use lasers. They are useless in storms

Get zones for all levels of the storm. Make a property that measures the amount of zones the player is in. If we know that, then we can tell if they are inside or outside the current limitation. For example, if we have 6 zones, and they are in 4, then they are in the one 2 outside the middle one. If the storm is the the 2nd last zone, then they are getting hit by the storm, and you can deduct health if you use pseudo-health or property health.


im trying to help my classmate but i dont know how to do it

no, it shrinks, forcing people to get closer together so people dont camp.


I wish there were Negative Health Granters. It’s so annoying without them


Oh, ok.

Maybe make lasers that do damage that turn on after a certain amount of time.

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That would be extremely memory expensive though, and definitely not on the efficient side.

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