Does anyone know how to make a custom gadget!

i need to know how to make a gadget that’s a sword like gadget.

i am making a game based on star wars and i need to make a lightsaber!

Its like the pickaxe but its a lightsaber

I saw this thing but the pictures are gone -
how to make a sword (link)

You can’t make custom gadgets, but you can make ability’s by using overlays.


Option one: you could re-texture the device/gadget

Option two: you can’t

Edit: here’s the texturing guide:


do you think you can make something that follows the mouse pointer like a gadget?

No, using overlays would only be like healing ability’s or speed boost and even damage all other players on a click of a button.

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As far as I know, you can’t create custom gadgets, although I would love to see that in Gimkit.

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I played a Star Wars game on GimKit , and the person used animation to create an interactable lightsaber fight. You could try something like that!


My option would be the second option. :sunglasses:


hmmm, what website are u using on the guide, and would I be able to make a gadget look like a pipe?

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