Do the flag channels not work or am i lazy?

ok now i really gtg

Yeah @WhereIsMyHat give me like a day to show you it.

It’s fine. I’m only Here_to_help (laughs at joke) or I guess I’m not. (I’m trying to say that I care less about solutions.)

Thanks and i hope you do… Find your hat :laughing:

So, you are referring to actually tomorrow?

First of all, why does everyone say that? It’s a username, not a truth. Second of all, no you don’t. If you check the wix and understand the lore I wrote for myself, you would understand why.

yeah maybe i am i dont know

it was a joke i read it sorry

I knew that. It was just a comment on how many people say that.

Yeah but you made the joke first why you mad at me?

Why are your channel names so long?

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That’s what I was going to say. The longer and more complicated your channels’ names are, the easier it is to make a mistake due to inconsistency. You should also name channels following rules. For instance: instead of naming the channel “A player has captured the flag!”, I would put “flagCaptured”.

yeah i want to say what player got the flag but i forgot to so…

you dont need to make them complicated…

did you even do any block code because where is the channel originating that activates the thing

and its easy just go (I dont know what device it is but) and do the triggering players name option

with the if else thing

how do i get it to send point to that team when they get back to their own side?!! :scream:

What do you mean by that?
Are you talking about a capture-the-flag type game?
Please elaborate.

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