Do longer wires transmit slower? [RESOLVED]


i cant figure out how to recreate the error message in testing

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One of us is going to receive “Admired” soon (but not soon because it’s 5 likes on 300 posts and not 1500 likes.)


Checkers are like nuclear power. Awesome, hard to use properly, but they’re still awesome. No one can say otherwise.

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So for concatenation, you would rather use 2 checkers, 5 checks each instead?

Ew no.

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I would, but only to spite everyone in the anti-checker gang.

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I’m not anti-checker (im anti-checker).

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anti-checker vs anti checker. Hyphens matter a lot.

Unless you’re checking a property. In that case, they are nuclear, but more like a nuclear bomb to your sanity than a source of energy.

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I bet that you can still do stuff with checkers checking properties, no one has experimented with it yet.

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No, it really doesn’t work.

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No it always doesn’t pass, probably because there is an error in the checker code that makes the function return null or false or something.

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For me, it always passes even though it’s false.

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Art requests are still open.

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Mysz Lore:

I trusted the checker with all my heart. I had used it in my first game to create pseudo vending machines and win detection.

I thought that the checker would do the same well in my second game, Gimkit Shipwars. I used a checker and waited, and my code failed. I kept trying to troubleshoot it until I couldn’t anymore. I looked on the forums and other people had buggy checkers. I ended up deleting ship wars because of the betrayal of the checker-checking properties.

Anyways, I didn’t realize you could use block code to check properties, because I was dumb.


Draw a mouse with a smiley face or something.

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Workaround: item granter + inventory item manager linked to a property. Then you can just check the item.

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