Different Block Functions Within One Block Help

Alright, that title was a bit confusing, right? So basically, I am at 95% memory and I need to make a “total clicks” section of the leaderboard and I need to know if you can do this:

If possible, how do I make it work?

Basic summary of what I’m asking:

i want an item granter to update the property. does the picture showing the system work or do i need to make a new block?

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If you make clicks an item you can make the leader board display that.

it is an item, but i’m using a property to measure the total clicks, not items. also, that would mean that it would get messed up due to upgrades and sabotages (that cost items)

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I don’t know how to do that for the leaderboard. But I know how to do it for an end of game widget. I will see if I can find a tutorial for it.

i know that, i’m using a property that an end of game widget is tracking. i want to see if this system works

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I don’t know how to do this. Try asking @California_Love, he has made several tutorials on using end-of-game widgets and leaderboards with properties.

wait, lemme test something

edit: nope, that didn’t work. @getrithekd is it possible to do this without making the “when granted to item” block?

It doesn’t have to include blocks , does it?

To be clear, did you make your own leaderboard (like a UI), or do you mean the end of game/host leaderboard. For the host, you can keep a property that keeps the clicks and set the total clicks as the tracked property. For your own I’d need more info. (I’m not going to link a bunch of tutorials that may or may not work for you, I’d rather be specific and directly help lol).

you cant wire things to a property, which is what end of game widgets track

Use a button connected to a counter. Button pressed < increment counter. Then, when the counter is updated, wire it to a property, called clicks. Using the end of the game widget, it will show the number of clicks using the property. Does that work?

so, the end of game widget tracks everyone’s clicks, and the end of game widget is for everyone

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You have a block that update’s when the player clicks a button or whatever right? So add a block that also updates the property for total clicks.

you cant wire things to a property…

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I’ll send a picture in a sec

oh ok then

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You’d have to add an end of game widget that tracks the clicks property.

Yes, that’s what I am saying…

Instead, make it player-scoped, the button. Then, when the button is clicked, it increments a counter, which then updates a property. Use channels.

i have that, and i want an item granter to update the property. does the picture showing the system work or do i need to make a new block?

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Yeah that works.