Detect when a channel stops

I have a property that changes when a player moves, and it constantly broadcasts on a channel. How do I make it so when the channel stops broadcasting another channel is sent? I am trying to detect when a player stops.

I don’t know if you can do that. Maybe they will add it in the future. :dotted_line_face:

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I think you can, it is complicated though

Do you know how complicated? Becase I think that this is a great question, I think that many people can use this.

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In my guide for afk check, it resets a counter.

Oh, ok. That makes a lot of sense, thank you!

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it should be like, activate and deactive, and when that deactivates, another activates. Simple.

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can you explain more? I am making a movement acceleration guide and it detects how much a player moves through the property incrementing a counter.

use zones, so when a player moves, it will active and when they stop, it should deactive, and wire it to something , i foget the name, but when the zone deactivates, the other channel is activated.

I am my movement check guide, and trying to make it detect when the player moved channel stops broadcasting

then vis versa, to what i said

I am still confused

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:expressionless: ok think of it like this.
zone detects player moving, the channel that is broadcasted will send a signal to stop casting the original channel. The one that is the deactivate. If that makes any sense.

I am not using a zone tho

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Then use a trigger, but make it invisable, you at least need a zone or trigger, otherwise you will not have a way of detecting players.


Just make the property broadcast to a trigger and activate or deactivate the trigger whenever you need to.


Does it work?

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how do I detect when the property stops changing

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I’m trying to make it detect when the player stops moving

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Let me think about this.