Detect when a channel stops

bump because I still need help

Iā€™m not sure if this is what you need help with, but here it is!

Use a repeater and make the stop strategy channel and create a channel.

Make another device to broadcast it and put the channel you inserted from the repeater which means itā€™ll broadcast once it stops.

Get a player-scoped true/false property called ā€œIs Movingā€. Then, have a checker/trigger constantly checking if it is false. If it is false, then broadcast on a channel.

@Grey_Stone I know, but how would it change to false?

I dont think you can do that.

You canā€™t the most you could do is a timer.


this is kind of off topic, but should this be a clay institute one?

How is this off-topic? And idk.

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I will put the tag then

Alright, but we gave you the answers, so please mark a solution.

I just want to see if there is a way

That ok, its alright to question. If no one does, you will never no the answer.

Edit: Wow i need to save my words, they are wise.


Why is this clay-institute? It seems pretty possible, and itā€™s not very revolutionary.

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should I remove the tag then?

I mean, if its pretty easily solved, yeah. Iā€™m not sure exactly what youā€™re going for though

Do movement meters have a channel option for when someone moves? If not, I have another solution.
Edit: They donā€™t.

Give them 1 of the item. Have a movement meter remove that item but keep it at the same speed. Have the movement meter broadcast on ā€œMovingā€. Give them one of the item on ā€œMovingā€. Then, when ā€œmovingā€ has gone off, set the property to True. Every .5 seconds, set it to False. You might also want an Inventory manager to stop them from getting the notification every time they get the item. If this doesnā€™t work, tell me and I will think some more.

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Iā€™ve tried that, the counter goes down too fast, and when I try to slow it down it goes to slow so it is a timer.

find were it is too fast a too slow then slowing moving the time till it reaches a middle.