Design request!

Yeah, you’re right, the roof is pretty wonky. Hold on…

Other options:
The WORST one:

I’ll make more if you want.


I personally like the first one. Let me do a poll.


i just looked up the hob and found out that its a black market, and was bored so I started building it


do you want me to make another one, i could

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the outside of the hob

the inside

with one is better

  • first one out door in tent
  • new second one
0 voters

also tell me what else I need to do

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you should make the inside more cluttered looking because it is an illegal black market

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and also the out side looks great buuut what you could possibly do to make it look better is make the metal sheets bigger and tint them a light brownish color for the old rusted look

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sure, i can try to, i have nothin to do anyways

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same here

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what are you making @AllFather_ofDeath

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currently nothing but i think ill try making the training center

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it should be fun

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For the inside of the hob you should put a soup stand as it has a part in the book

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your right

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How does this look? Pls add trees for the border. :smiley:

How does it look?

  • S
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • Trash
0 voters

its very good looking buut maybe add some alien grass so it looks more like a forest you should also make the trees bigger and add a bit more trees for a border(hope this was helpful)

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and make the pond a more natural shape with a few fish


gray fish or green fish would be best

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Good idea tbh.