Design request!

ok here are the 2 forest designs i made hope you like at least one of them

I like the thumbnails, I meant designs for parts of the map, like this:

Here is a rough draft of the coal mines. Pls give me suggestions you have for improvement!


ooops sorry i misunderstood umm i mostly do thumbnails but it should be fun to try map designs for once :face_with_diagonal_mouth: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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i have an idea for the cracked wood make it the same level as the dirt to is doesn’t seem totally separate from the mines

artemis can still use your amazing thumbnail!

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i’ll make sure to do that

For the gate at the front, put the center bar on a layer above the other 2 bars


Do you want inside the train or just a view from outside?

sorry bout my design! I’m pretty new to creative and am better at game creating than design.

BTW I think @artemis is afk right now

that could be better because we can surprise her with all our wonderful designs in the morning


Alright, Sounds good to me

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I’m going to start working on the hob

Darker walls if possible.

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It’s amazing! Your doing really well.

Both if possible!

I won’t be back on till morning. Best of luck to everyone!

Attempt number one at a forest (had a few good ideas will need to start over to get things right, maybe bigger trees)


I’ll try and do some! Prob here by friday.

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