[deleted guide, don’t reply]

You should read this guide if your planing on making a Dungeon crawler.


To start with make a Lobby you should make it look creative and make it your own style and don’t copy other People and try to make some cool creative prop take in sperastion from this Fun designs with Props

I will not add anything


Well…hope this gets completed!

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As a new user, you have a 1 day editing limit. This means you only have a day to finish this.

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@CassiusDoomlorde How do you get infinte time

A wiki, which only tl3 can make


How do i make it a wiki

Only tl3 can make their posts wikis, you can ask a tl3…( or me! )

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Or me! :slight_smile:

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Or WolfTechnology!

@Blizzy can you make it a wiki

she isn’t on right now…

regulars can only make their own posts wikis as far as I know

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Are you able to make my post a wiki

Yeah, sure gimme a minute

He’s a basic!

GimSolver, I ask that you don’t reply to posts from around a day or so ago as they may contain outdated information.

Also, read all replies before you post so you don’t repeat what someone else said.

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Sorry :frowning:

How do you delete something

you can’t, just move to devices and mark solutiion

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