Decor ideas for my island lobby thing? (sry-)

I’m sorry in advance, I don’t usually post in the help section like this.

So, here’s what I have (or you could say what I don’t have).

I already have a shop (which is just for decoration), a pond, and a dock with boats. By the way, if you guys want a mini tutorial on fishing rods just ask me!

Maybe an ancient and crumbling stone monolith that you can “read” (button+pop-up) to see basic rules for the game/

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I suggest put a hole in the circled area

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Are these good sections in my map?
In here, I figured out how to make a good forest, if that is what you want.

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That’s a great idea, but this is pre-game lol

Thank you! I’ll try it :slight_smile:

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a campfire


Make a wooden swing connected to trees and/or a wooden bench with white flowers and a book(?)

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a small hut that you can go into?

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oh now that is kinda cute

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Something like this idk


thats pretty cute tbh

(used ¨tbh¨ for the first time, I am different from my other generation Alphas, I do not use their slang a lot ;-;


let’s see.

try using 3D terrain to make it more unique


Ok that you want something in the empty space, but this would also help with the looks of the island


its soooo cool!!!

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I love the terrain! I should use layers like this more often.

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