Debate about Unnecessary Tags

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What do you guys think of the incomplete tag?

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We should replace incomplete with wip, since wip seems to be more used.

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Nvm it is gone. How about 1wo though?

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Does that mean something?

1wo is one way out. Should we have a different tag for each official gamemode?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

How about this. To make an official game mode a tag, it has to have at least 3 guides. For a video game like amongus to have a tag, it has to have at least 6 guides.


What about :black_large_square: for the hardest guide of its time?

I don’t think we have any guides that I think truly deserve that title. Can you point some out?

Keyboard and _____Land. They might not be hard now, but they were hard when they first came out.

Keyboard didn’t deserve to be :black_large_square:.

I personally would disagree with that. The math for an even more advanced keyboard than we currently have has been around for a long time, I think since early june, the current keyboard design that can backspace just stores one letter per property, and the current keyboard that can’t backspace just appends text to a property when a button is pressed. Hardly even close to a :black_large_square:, probably more of a :red_square:.

_____Land is complex but I also don’t think it was difficult on another level. Since it’s literally just following instructions, with no advanced concepts to understand, I would consider it a low :purple_square:.

Real difficulty doesn’t come from what is being made, it comes from the level the guide is written at. A guide like AUO I think is more difficult than the keyboard because the reader is learning about a mechanic, rather than copying something down. Guides where the reader blindly follows instructions are less difficult than guides where complicated systems are explained to the reader, even is the system they build is more complicated.


Very agree

I would like to make a motion to turn this guide into the new edition of:
Welcome to the forums! Check out this guide for info about the forums!

  • yay
  • nay
0 voters

The link doesn’t work. Also, on the color thing, I agree that nothing currently deserves a black rating. __Land comes close, but not quite. Also, on the tags, I think beginner must reads should be a short list of the most important things for new members. Forum-tips should only be about how to use the forums, and most of those topics are mostly the same. PSAs are all over the place, and I think they should have to do with current events going on in the forum. We need a new tag and emoji for things that are more of ‘extra function’ that don’t really fit anything.

The link doesn’t work since I haven’t published it yet.

When I do, should I ping jeffo to lock it?

Yeah, I feel like PSAs fit more fit the informational category.

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Is game-mechanics even nessasary? Also, informational as well.

No. That is what most of the guides are for.

Oh, and neither is informational.

I’m sure nobody will notice them missing, brb gonna delete them

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