Deactivating an IIM

in my case, it’s kinda permanent until you buy an upgrade so it still works then? idk

Why do you need your IIM deactivated in the first place? That may help.

wait do iims override each other when one is activated while another one that manages the same item is activated first/already activated?

In its settings, there’s a place to configure what is being used at a time. Look in “All Options.”

i just see:

(i’m in all options btw)

It’s the second setting: Use by default.

Perhaps you should tell me what you’re trying to do with deactivating an IIM in your game. Maybe there’s a way around it if we work together.

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ok so i was working on my fishtopia recreation guide, and i got to the backpack upgrades section and i wondered if there was a way to deactivate an iim or if the just-activated iim overrides or doesn’t override the pre-activated iim

Let me do some tests really quick. I’ll be back.

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instead of IIM to control item amounts, how about using multiple checkers that check the items?

idk how that would work though

uh i gtg for lunch bye see you in like 30 minutes

I have the answer for you! First, have the IIM that you want all players to start with on by default. Change the rest so that they’re not. Then, when your “backpack upgrade” is bought, make it send on a channel to the second IIM, the one that expands the player’s backpack.

Edit: this isn’t working (yet), so I will be continuing my research. Just wanted to let you read it, because the mechanism will be something like this.

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Ok, see you soon. I’ll keep testing.

Consider consulting the feedback page:

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you’re using the IIM to control item amounts with the backpacks, correct?
then instead of IIM, using checkers that check every time you fish, checking for the amount of a specific fish u have.
checks can have multiple unique checks. set the “# of unique checks” to {1 + backpack upgrades}
instead of buttons directly checking the checkers, make the buttons trigger a trigger, which has block code to check different checks upon upgrades

There is a guide on deactivating devices that cannot be deactivated, if I’m not wrong.

The problem with IIMs is that they don’t have a “deactivate when receiving on:” setting. I’ve checked. It also doesn’t work with wires.

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You can use psuedo IIM by using counter and/or property to keep track of the amount and an item granter to take away the item if they have too much.

well, this is basically the best thing i’ve got so far so temporary solution

5 hours later: did i say temporary?

WAIT YOU CAN USE A PROPERTY TO DEACTIVATE ONE YESSSSSSsssssssssssssssand how do i use a property for fishing

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