Curing Help Needed

Hello There!
I need Two things

  1. Curing item
  2. How to cure

Have a great day!

Overlay with checker.


what are the settings?


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med pack/shield can and press the heal button in game. your welcome Have a great day! :smiley:

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yea but all it does is grant health. I want it to cure the person so they turn back into a human

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like an infection type thing?

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How to Create An Infection-Styled Game! try this

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all it tells me is how to make infection game, I already did that I just need a way to cure somone

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@MrEgg Probably make it so you can trap the infected and cure. But they still need a cure potion. If not, then try so they can sneak behind the infected and cure. Hopefully this works.

yes, but I still don’t know how to cure or the cure item

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Unfortunately, there isn’t anything i can find about it and I don’t know how. Sorry. But good luck.

i feel like I can just drop it and tell them to cure themselves

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