Creative Update

When does this come out for non-season ticket holders?

Like I said earlier (above), it’ll most logically be added once the ticket ends.

I read somewhere that they aren’t adding new devices.

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sometime later in 2024

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these posts are not personal chat places, this is not a place to be off topic just because it is a update topic does not mean we should be brainstorming about what will be added, there are websites to do that…users have gotten suspended on other posts for going off topic like this…and it’s not the new users getting off topic, its the regulars who know better…SO quit it.

  1. Please don’t ping Jeffo
  2. Either the end of this season or later.
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Please read this, people here are asking questions about the update which is relevant, but telling people to stop isn’t relevant.


Okay I understand that I am just trying to keep everyone from getting flagged or suspended

Im gonna go ahead and buy the pass then. I have no patience LOL

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u didn’t need to tell any one that!

While saying its off topic is more clutter, it is NO reason to bring that up to use to let people be off topic, you users are using josh’s update posts as personal chat places and need to quit it, most of the people doing it are regulars who should and DO know better so you guys need to knock it off and leave these update topics for new users who have questions, stop therorizing about what might happen there are websites for this so just stop NOW or very very soon the mods will see all this and the majority of you will be suspended like me (this is what Legobuilder has to say about this)

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Imma tell the mods to lock the post.


You can flag it, and then they can see it.


@moderators This topic needs to be closed


First, don’t ping the mods.
Secondly, no one is chatting, the only replies is you cluttering the topic, so if you want this closed so bad, PM them!


Thank You so much Josh!
I have been waiting for a new gamemode for months.
Can’t wait to see the uptades!


You cannot mention group @moderators.

[Discourse system message]

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(casually watching this become chaos
cuz im done trying to get in on this type of action at this point)


Now all i can do is wait anyways, Jeff was online, but he didn’t do anything. Just make this the final reply. And play the quiet game.


hey should we just stop doing this? it has loads of replies


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