Creative Platforming Is Here!

ouch I didn’t get the ticket yet
I guess we need systems just to move around in creative

a lot of people don’t have it

This is possible.
(Getting from bottom to top)


okay this is just pure coolness but i don’t have seasson ticket nor can put link here

I knew there was going to be platformer mode in GKC!

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Can you think of any ideas for what I can do in my game where there are floating island civilizations?

Hunt for sentries?
Mine Rocks?
Fight Phantoms?
Go to the sky kingdom?
Reach the top of the mountain?

Good idea! I can make a mountain! Thanks!

Do you think that Mining will be its own style of map in GKC?

Yea probably and ty

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WHOA BUDDY NO CURSING! (sorry had to flag you)

lol, most people don’t have school today.

anyways, tysm josh! I just got 5 bucks to get the season ticket.

How is that cussing?

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Lucky! I’m stuck in classes all day. I won’t get to really play around with GKCP until later. :crying_cat_face:

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not gonna lie

don’t get it until next school year actually maybe i’ll be better with gimkit since i’ll be a grade higher also inappiate map watch canceled that person’s account terminated for good this tiem

@Captain-Gim which post was the poll for the abbreviation in?

wait you have school on presidents day?

Dude remember not to assume,

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wiat today isn’t presidents day that was in feburaruy

Today… is Tuesday. Is there an event going on today?

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