Creative Platforming Is Here!

Yea I agree. If someone does ask a direct question, it’d be rude not to respond, though.

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just ask them to talk to them about it in it correct topic not other topics! it become off topic in the wrong topic and get people flagged for off topic or topics closed like before in an update topic but there was no topic that belonged for it look at March 20 update for example.


there is no topic about it - people keep asking me questions about the gimmie awards or my game and it’d be rude to not answer that - i try to also say on-topic things, though since I can’t make a whole topic for it

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@Blackhole927 update event leak?

Go to the Mode Madness post lol


bro I talking about talk about this in mode madness

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when will out come out to the whole community?

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When will what?

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creative platforming

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In late 2024, I believe.

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that sucks but ok. I have a good idea for a platformer but I can’t get season ticket (for reasons)

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Why does the Gimkit Awards post keep getting flaggedd?? I really want to express my excitement but I can’tt. :sob:


I’ve messaged the staff about resolving this, it should be all fine when they check their messages and see.



we can prevent topics from getting flagged if we don’t go off topic that means we must only talk gimkit related and the topic itself unless the topic is off topic like for example the topic breaks the rules then it something else nothing else should be talked about because it is off topic and we got flagger police in here don’t take that seriously but really do because we do got them and I understand it hard to not do that but we should try as hard as we can to not go off topic!


No one is going off-topic, no one is replying here. Replying here might have actually revived this topic…


I wish that was true sadly topics/comments still get flagged to this day I was talking about when u said no one is going off topic my bad I forgot to quote it also our past post before this was talking about the mode madness which even tho it gimkit related it being talked about in the wrong topic which is off topic I THINK and we should talk about it in the correct topic to prevent flaggers. which I pretty sure they gonna flag since I addressed that

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me too my parents will not let me but the ticket


hello and welcome to the city of chaos the forums, i hope you find you time here enjoyable @booper11111


That’s a sad welcome message there.