Creative Platforming Is Here!

Guessed he changed his mind, idk


but basically the wix is dying.
and every other group isn’t as active
compared to code-sharing and groupchat.
alot of ogs are dropping out.
some people who changed the wix are thinking about it too.
it’s in that state when it’s glory falling from the sky. into a void.

also. I can’t really get on discord much.
I only get like 2hrs time there


then go to discord

discord never dies



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Josh is involved with the project… idk how to tell his role without giving away the whole event lol

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I guess I’ll put it this way:
His involvement makes the event seem more official, and he’s also doing something that will make people want to be involved with the event more.


@Blackhole927, can I interview you on my blog about your event? If not, can I at least help advertise it (my blog has had hundreds of viewers)?

We don’t need advertising. Basically anyone who is here on the forums will see it so I don’t think there will be a problem lol. Plus there’s the discord, so I don’t think we’re gonna be short on people knowing about the event.

As for the interview, no, I’m not revealing really anything else until the event is about to be announced.


Also, remember this isn’t just my event, I’m just the forums interaction guy lol. I’m the most well known person on the forums who is on the team, so that’s why you basically only hear from me.

This isn’t just a me thing, Unstable, Floor, and Electro all did a bunch of stuff for the project, especially Unstable.


OK. Tbh I was asking not b/c I think u need help w/ advertising, but because I’ve been trying and failing for months to gain popularity for my blog with the no advertizing rule - I hoped it would help.

OK about the interview - I’ll just include it in my new post (coming out tmrrw) about the events of this week. K?

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the problem is it is considered unofficial and people don’t take it seriously
if you want people to like it give them something to like about it


Such as, @Foxy? I’ve tried, but I don’t know what people want to see in it.

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people don’t want to read someone talking about something they want something fun to be excited about

I don’t just talk about stuff - if you’re able to get on my blog, just read a post and see what I mean. What else could I do to get people excited?


Yes, @maxmlmm14. It’s nice to know someone’s a fan! :smile_cat: I plan to add the rest of the award descriptions tmrrw (and a few more awards - I’m going to have to cram to finish the nominations form, too (I may publish it early hint, hint HINT!)


When will the gimkit awards be open because Iknow some people I want to nominate


@Foxy gimkit said that my card doesnt exist and said I should try another card so I will do that I hope you get it before March 27! (that date is not important just I hope it actually works this time)


Back on-topic. :rofl:


I originally planned to start nominations on April 1st, but I may not be able to go online to publish it then. B/c of this, I might be publishing it on Wendsday or earlier. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Could you next time shove all or the majority of your off-topic stuff in one post and add more than just off-topic to your post?
Like maybe edit your post for the off-topic stuff so it doesn’t clutter and also make it somewhat actually relevant to the topic.


Don’t worry, I plan to, @StacheIsTaken. I’m going to try to stay on-topic from now on, but if someone asks me a direct question about the Gimmies or my game, I’ll try to hide a reply inside something on-topic. K?

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that still off topic still can get you flagged because other people will read it not just the person u told to only click on it. also why we talking about thumbnails if it got archived and unlisted? and let talk about the event in it topic now let get back on topic.

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