Creating movies in Gimkit?

Are there any ways you could recreate entire movies in gimkit?

Yikes, memeory usage

Even a 3 minute scene would hurt you

Plus, copyright


It might be not possible——- nevermind

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True but I could also make just some fun animations, right?

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And a copyright strike that they gonna hit you


Yes, but they would be choppy or just not as good as a normal flipaclip

I’m not stopping you

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I mean you could make a cutscenes based on a movie SCENE but remaking the entire movie, the memory usage would be excruciating, still could be possible but way to hard for someone to reasonably do.


I was thinking maybe trying to use different color barriers to make pixel animations

Probably not entire movies. There is a barrier limit, and if you put too much stuff in one spot it becomes laggy.

Short, couple-second to couple-minute segments are possible though.

Your game would get taken down from discovery if you tried to publish it.

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…camera point cutscenes??
that could work, sending image by image without a stop.
maybe add simple barrier art to finish it.
i think it could reasonably work, i guess.

Honestly, I don’t think so. The only way you can do it is just through having multiple animations.

And also, not man people understand proper animation so it will hurt you

making little clips would be possible, but it would be extremely tedious and annoying. I made a cutscene opening for one of the games i’m making and it was NOT fun.

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You couldn’t make a 2h 30m feature film, but maybe your own little 1 min animation.

This is probably going to be my last reply for a bit, I’ve requested a suspension until November 1st. See you guys on the flip side!


Mysz cursed you with the no php



Goodbye @Coolcaden26 you were a good one.
o7 o7 o7

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You cannot leave
that’s kinda bad
fine you can
go have your break

Are you telling @Coolcaden26 to go relax on a beach or telling the OP to follow a guide? :rofl:


So you cannot really make a long movie but here are the limits:

  • Copyright
  • barrier limit
  • memory usage maxes at 100,000 memory (1,000 x 100)
  • props item images and practically everything in the game has a limit

Also I think this is a bad idea because Gimkit is not a website for movies, there are other better websites for videos and movies…

Also the guide above you should have found first, search before you post and @slim yeah what did they mean???

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