Could You Theoretically Do Matrix Operations in Gimkit?

This may seem like a weird question (it is), but could you do matrix operations like adding, subtracting, multiplying (dot product for vectors?), and finding the inverse?

Also, maybe you could find the determinant or transpose it?

I don’t want to test this out so uh… yeah.

I mean, I don’t see anything wrong with trying this because it definitely seems possible, but I need to make sure.

The reason I’m asking this is because I’m trying to figure out if you can create the hill cipher in Gimkit (which seems crazy) but idk.


Sorry man, you’re going to have to find someone else to help you…

I suck at matrix math.

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Dang it.

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@ClicClac VS. The Matrix” should be your next profile picture.

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Idk anything about matrices, but the answer is yes, there should be enough block code


Also, what is cypher hill, and can you teach me about matrices?

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you have to know about matrices for deep learning, but its basically a rectangular array of digits (rows and columns) that you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide by other matrices, you could probably research more into it yourself but that’s the basics 857508840136376330


never heard of matrices but i will research and try to help

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Hill Cipher uses multiplication of matrices to encrypt letters.

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did some learning and i think i get it know.

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but how would the game know what values represented a^11, or any of the values in the matrix?

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You can’t divide a matrix, but you can multiply it by its inverse (only if the determinant is not equal to 0) to get the identity matrix (first diagonal is full of ones, and the rest is zero).


I’m assuming you use a keyboard which sets a property to a number, and a11 is just indexing, so no worries.


Then, you multiply by a matrix which you have to type in (each will be 3x3 for limitation purposes which is pretty sad because you can only use 3 characters) and encrypt everything.

For decryption, I have an algorithm to get the inverse of our 3x3 matrix but it would be pretty hard to implement.

By the way, the first “matrix” will simply be a column vector.


ok. but what would happen if you tried to multiply the inverse of a zero matrix?

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A matrix only has an inverse when it is square (same amount of rows and columns), and the determinant is 0.

Since the matrix is all zeros, the determinant would be 0, and therefore it does not have an inverse. (because somewhere in the process you divide by the determinant and you would divide by 0).

By the way, vectors and matrices and tensors and linear algebra is super useful for creating your own GimAI, so this discussion is pretty useful :] (get @zypheir smiled lol)

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ok, i was asking because zero has no inverse. i didn’t know how you were planning to do this. btw, when people say tensors what i think of has nothing to do with math. see ‘tensors reckoners’ to see what i mean

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Where can I see that?

i meant look it up

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