yeah that’s why i dont have eyes on mine either
Ugh why am I loosing I spent so much time on my thumbnail. It’s not even photoshopped:(
if anyone needs help or wants to start by making thumbnails as a beginner here is a form for that
oh come on why is mine losing mine is super good
Could You Add Some Lasers?
I could add lazers to mine if you want
Yea That would be great and like add a background thats not white
- lonewolf0230
- guy_the_person
- The-realgimkitMaster
- DDerryberry
- TheHelper
Ok. I’ll work on it tommorow
By the way since new update add dynamic stone pickaxes
you mean the pickaxe from dig it up
No Gimkit creative has the newest update now!!!
Just cause get rid of the punching glove only plant lasers and no CHAOS in the thumbnail and make the health bar be from Gimkit not from anything else and that would be great
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